

CSX's ore market experts are ready to work with you on finding the right transportation solution for your product. With reliable service, complete transportation logistics packages and up-to-date market information, we can help you grow your business and reduce your transportation logistics costs.

Products include titanium ores; ilmenite, rutile, staurolite residue; zircon sand; perlite; silica; magnesite; talc; gypsum and many more.

Featured Links

eBusiness Tools

Order cars, submit shipping instructions and much more.


This is the equipment used to transport products.

Railroad Dictionary

Look up railroad terms.

Carbon Calculator

Shipping by rail can significantly reduce CO2 emissions compared to shipping by highway.


More Information

I'm new to rail. How do I get started?

How do I know if rail will work at my facility?

What if I am not located on rail? How can I take advantage of the economies of shipping by rail?