

At CSX, we understand the needs of oil refineries. 

  • Origination options: Through CSX’s partnership with the Western railroads, you can access all the major crude oil originations. We interchange with our partners at Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis and New Orleans to bring crude oil to the East.
  • Logistics management: CSX will help you manage your supply chain with dedicated scheduling.
  • Proactive Community Engagement: Our state affairs personnel builds relationships within communities and works to minimize the impact on the community.
  • Safety: At CSX, safety is a way of life. We invest significant time and resources to increase the safety of our employees, our customers, and the communities in which we serve.
    • First Responder Training in Communities: CSX provides emergency planning assistance and training to local fire, police and emergency response personnel in the communities we serve. Learn more
    • Advanced technology employed on our routes to detect equipment defects of en-route trains.
    • CSX complies with all federal safety standards and exceeds many of the rail industry's voluntary practices. These are standards related to the securing of trains, job briefings, and equipment inspections, among others.

Interested in learning more? Contact our Crude Oil experts for more information.

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