CSX has an extensive freight car fleet to fit your shipping requirements. For all paper products and pulp, we offer high-quality boxcars ranging from 50’ to 63’ that offer regular- to high-capacity capabilities, differing door arrangements and lading protection configurations. We also have specialized flatcars and hoppers for the movement of logs, poles, ties, pellets and woodchips. CSX contributes to the North America Boxcar Pool (NABP) program, where sponsoring rail carriers work together to provide you with a fleet of nearly 10,000 boxcars.
These are the rail cars used to transport paper, pulp and fiber products. Get details about rail cars.
The fastest and easiest way to order cars, submit shipping instructions, request switching service, track and trace, report a problem and receive and pay freight bills is with our secure eBusiness tools. Learn more
CSX connects to more than 230 short line and regional railroads. Use our Short Line Directory to find railroads located on the CSX system.
Get information about accessorial and supplemental pricing in the CSXT 8100 Publication.
Learn more about what's happening in the paper, pulp and fiber industries.
Forest and Paper Products
American Forest and Paper Association
Editor and Publisher
Fibre Box Association
Graveure Association of America
Paper Age Online
Random Lengths
Recycling Today
Recycling and Composting Online
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