Canada to US
The Trade Act of 2002 mandated the advanced electronic reporting by rail carriers to Customs for all loaded shipments crossing border entry ports into the United States. This legislation also requires that the shipper provide to the rail carrier on shipping instructions (or bills of lading) certain data requirements to ensure compliance and to facilitate the expeditious movement of goods into the United States.
Customs Bulletin: United States Customs Empty Residue Reporting (PDF)
The following information is required on transborder bills of lading (or shipping instructions):
1. Effective Nov. 6, 2006, the following named parties require full address (street, city, state/province):
- Shipper
- Consignee
- Care of Party
- Ship From
- Pick Up
2. Exporter name (if different from the shipper/consignee)
3. Broker name, city, state
4. Country of origin (rail origin)
5. Full route information
6. Value of shipment and specific currency (for bonded shipments)
7. Piece count
8. Weight and unit of measure
9. Destination port and country (rail destination or port for multi-modal shipments)
10. Commodity description (Must be specific and detailed. FAK [freight of all kinds] or STC [said to contain] type descriptions, etc., are not acceptable and will be rejected by Customs.)
a. Harmonized Commodity Code if available (required for TE-type bonded shipments)
11. Type of customs entry required (for bonded shipments)
12. Seal Number(s)
Shipping Instructions
Shippers provide shipping instructions/bills of lading to rail carriers at least two hours prior to release from customers siding or in-gate at intermodal terminal.
Cargo Manifest
Rail carriers generate an advanced cargo manifest to Customs, using information provided by the shipper on shipping instructions and rail waybill, within hours of receipt and successful processing of the shipping instructions.
Broker Notification
The broker identified in the shipping instructions is immediately notified as part of Customs' Automated Broker Interface System (ABI). This will alert the broker to file the required documentation with Customs, which must be done before the rail carrier sends the advanced train consist to Customs.
Train Consist
Rail carriers are required to submit an advanced electronic train consist to Customs no later than two hours prior to the train crossing the border into the United States. Customs will process the advanced train consist and perform an internal screening process. Rail carriers then receive a status message for each rail car on the train, identifying hold/release/inspection status of that shipment.
Carload EDI example (PDF)
Intermodal EDI example (PDF)
For assistance with Canada to U.S. shipping instructions, call 1-877-ShipCSX (1-877-744-7279), option 2.
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