
Export Requirements

Options for Shipper's Export Declaration

Under the new Department of Homeland Security regulations, the United States Principal Party of Interest (USPPI) ( the exporter) has three options to declare export shipments based on the goods to be reported.

  1. Exports previously requiring a Shipper's Export Declaration must be done using the CBP Automated Export System (AES) or approved software that will interface with AES. This process will provide to the USPPI a unique internal transaction number (ITN) as proof of export declaration.
  2. USPPI may apply for Option 4 - Post Departure Filing Privileges
  3. Exports that are exempt from export declaration
Proof of Filing number

All rail bills of lading received for shipments from the United States to Canada must contain a proof of filing number or exemption statement. Rail carriers will not accept bills of lading without this required information.

Rail carrier responsibility and liability are limited to making sure the proof of filing number is provided and reflected on customs documentation. Rail carriers are not responsible or liable for validating the accuracy of the proof of filing numbers provided on rail bills of lading.

Under the new regulations, the USPPI must provide the proof of filing number assigned depending on the option used for Shipper's Export Declaration on the rail bill of lading. The following examples explain how the proof of filing number is conveyed electronically on rail bills of lading:

1. Automated Export System (AES) Internal Transaction Number (ITN)
This number, which is generated by the U.S. Census system, is assigned to a shipment confirming that the AES transmission was accepted and is on file in AES.
Transaction Prefix - 1 alpha, e.g. X
Numeric ID - 14 numeric digits, e.g. 20020424123456
The complete Internal Transaction Number for this example is: X20020424123456
EDI Example: N9*ITN*X20020424123456

2. Automated Export System Option 4 Employee Identification Number
This is a U.S. Census exemption statement containing the USPPI ID number. If a forwarding agent is filing for an Option 4-approved USPPI, both the USPPI and the forwarding agent ID numbers are required, and the USPPI ID must appear first. The USPPI ID consists of 9 digits followed by an optional 2-position alpha-numeric suffix.
Qualifying Prefix - 1 numeric; e.g. 4
USPPI ID number - 9 numeric, 2 alpha; e.g. 123456789AB
Number Separator - colon; e.g. :
Forwarding agent's ID number - 9 numeric; e.g. 741234567
The complete AES Option 4 Exemption Statement for the above example is: 4123456789AB:623156725
EDI Example: N9*PDF*4123456789AB:623156725

3. Automated Export System Export Information Code Exemption Number (Note 1)
This is a U.S. Census exemption statement containing the reference number in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), which allows the shipment to be exported without pre-filing identifiers. The exemptions are contained in 15 CFR Part 30, Subpart D, Sections 30.50 through 30.58 or other appropriate sections of 15 CFR Part 30, Subpart D. The exemption statement must completely identify the location of the exemption, e.g. "30.58 (a)" is reported as "3058A".

Qualifying Prefix - 5 alpha; e.g. NOEEI
U.S. Reference - 4 numeric; e.g. 30.36

EDI Example: N9*CEN*NOEEI 30.36

For assistance with billing U.S. to Canada shipments, call 1-877-ShipCSX (1-877-744-7279), option 2.

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