About Us

News Media Contacts

  • For all news media inquiries, please call 1-855-955-NEWS (6397) or email [email protected] and a media relations representative will respond as soon as possible.
  • For emergencies, please immediately dial 911 or the CSX Public Safety Coordination Center at 1-800-232-0144.
  • For employment questions, contact the CSX Employee Service Center at 1-800-633-4045 or  [email protected].

Visiting CSX property: For safety and business reasons, access to CSX facilities is limited. In certain cases, visits can be arranged for journalists and photographers; a minimum of four weeks of advance notice is required. Visitors will be escorted by CSX safety personnel, and must wear appropriate personal safety equipment and sign a waiver. Email us at [email protected] for a visitation request form.

Photographing CSX trains from vantage points on public property that are well away from private railroad property is permissible. Walking, riding or standing on railroad property is illegal and extremely dangerous. CSX generally does not allow filming for movies, television or commercials on its property.

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