
More Information

New Customers

My product will be shipped in a container. Who should I contact?

Pricing of containerized shipments is handled by our intermodal services group. Contact them directly: 1-800-288-8620 or [email protected].

I need help locating a bulk transloading facility to handle my business. Who should I call?

Contact TRANSFLO Terminal Services at 1-866-TRANSFLO (1-866-872-6735).

How do I get a price for my rail shipment to/from a warehouse that I have identified?

Get a rail shipment quote with the ShipCSX Price Lookup tool. This is a public access tool that does not require a log in. Learn more.

How do I order a rail car for the shipment I am planning?

Order rail cars with the ShipCSX Car Order tool. Learn more.

How do I get access to ShipCSX?

You must be a CSX customer and register for a ShipCSX user ID and password. Learn more.


I need to speak with someone about the service that my facility is currently receiving. Who should I call?

Contact Customer Service at 1-877-ShipCSX (1-877-744-7279), options 5 - 6. (You will need a ShipCSX ID and PIN for telephone access to Customer Service. Learn more)

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